Ace Fury

24 posts
Ace Fury is the founder of the Savior Self.

On Aspirational Anarchism

It is easy– almost obvious– to dismiss far-left ideology as unrealistic and unattainable. Whether you have only a perfunctory understanding of the modern world or you’re a serious historical scholar, you are likely to reach the same honest conclusions about human nature and social constructs: humans are selfish, submissive, hierarchical, and generally stupid, and society is most when structured accordingly. Certainly, there is an element of “confirmation bias” to this assertion: the predominant society that has thus far prevailed through […]Read more »

On Keeping Calm and Carrying On

We see it every day. More and more reports of climate catastrophes and broken records, political unrest and riots, random acts of violence as people become more unhinged. We see these things politicized to promote agendas, or dismissed as noise in an increasingly-connected world. The world has always been burning. We have always been at war with Eurasia. The simple truth is that human beings, like all animals, are not designed to think on the scale of decades or centuries. […]Read more »

On Late Stages

In recent years, “late-stage capitalism” has become the go-to term for describing the conditions and contradictions of modern society. As a phrase, it has been in use for well over a hundred years but has gained popularity in American academia as a shorthand for the second half of the 20th century, starting with the postwar economic boom and continuing on through modern day. Think “multinational oligopolies” rather than “robber barrons.” In its casual usage, it has grown to be the […]Read more »

On Bourgeois Tyranny

In the midst of the COVID pandemic, we have seen the full spectrum of human response: obedience, indifference, and resistance. The reasons for each response are varied, of course; nothing is a monolith. However, the dominant theme in resistance has been a rejection of tyranny, some patriotic duty to uphold the neoliberal ideal of doing literally whatever we want. Elected officials attempting to enforce the bare minimum of public safety have been deemed tyrants attempting to snuff the flame of […]Read more »