On Utopias, Part I

Now that we have thoroughly negged the modern world and everything in it, let us begin to discuss more constructive things; specifically, let’s focus on the vision of the Savior Self, and what is intended to be a path forward.

First and foremost, let us establish the intent of the Church. As the unholy name implies, the Savior Self is not a messianic institution, proscribing salvation for the planet or the species. The Savior Self does not offer any practical solution for the broader problems facing our population for, as we have recently discussed, these are fundamentally problems of scale and cannot be remedied without either a massive reduction of that scale or achieving a broad consensus of personal sacrifice, and the Church maintains that neither of these remedies can be humanely achieved.

Rather, the Church aims to provide a framework for willing individuals to save themselves through ideological self-fulfillment and a conscious rejection of the modern world to whatever extent each individual wishes to do so. Through this type of shift in personal ideology and practice, the Church wishes to foster the organic growth of like-minded communities, each of whom define their own shared morality, ethics, hierarchies (or lack thereof), and action plans.

With this is mind, let us put forth the fundamental tenets of the Unholy Church of the Savior Self. These tenets are not divine, and they are not the objective truths of the universe; instead, they are the foundational assertions of the ideology of the Savior Self, and all members of the Church are expected to treat these assertions as their own personal truths.

Beyond these tenets, every member of the Church is encouraged to craft, refine, debate, and pursue their own world view. Later discourses will discuss each of these tenets in detail.

The Tenets of the Unholy Church of the Savior Self

  1. Humans should live free of coercion.
  2. Humans should cooperate.
  3. Humans should not harm one another.
  4. Humans should reduce all harm to its practical minimum.
  5. Humans should live consciously and reflect on their thoughts, behaviors, motivations, and emotions.
  6. Human life is not inherently sacred or special.

With the exception of the final tenet, the tenets of the Savior Self resemble those of any major religion and most sociopolitical ideologies and may almost seem trite. Yet despite this resemblance, we can clearly see the endless inconsistencies and contradictions of modern society in practice, and the importance of intentionality in adhering to these tenets in our daily thoughts and actions.

The Savior Self is an opportunity for rebirth, in which adherents consciously reexamine their own personal beliefs and behaviors to identify the ways in which they are no longer compatible with these foundational tenets, and to make adjustments as necessary.

These tenets are deliberately broad and nonspecific, and their goal is to foster the self-development of an ideologically-consistent ethos for each member. The Church encourages divergent interpretations of these tenets, and it asserts that any ideologies that remain faithful to all tenets will be compatible with one another and allow for harmonious coexistence.

Once members have redefined themselves, they are encouraged to connect with one one another to form affinity groups and begin the development of their own utopic communities.

The next several discourses will explore each tenet in greater detail. We will then discuss the practical considerations for utopic planning and guidance on how to develop intentional communities that adhere to the tenets of the Savior Self. Finally, we will publish a series of essays on this author’s personal vision for a utopic community, as well as essays by any member that wishes to share their vision.

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